There’s a few things I detest in the world.

Wet door handles.

Angry cyclists in lycra.

Sea cucumbers.

And now to add to that list… the dreaded beep test.

20m Multistage Fitness Test (Beep Test) Instructions - Fitness 1st Steps

The more I look back on it, the more FANTASTIC an analogy it is of the grading system.

A Quick 101:

All students need to run between two marked lines 20 m apart, they must reach the other side before the ‘beep’ sound. There are 21 levels, and little levels within each one. As the levels progress, the time in between beeps gets shorter.

Of course, it’s quite easy at the start… easy in fact that some people can power walk and make it in time. Then it gets more challenging. Soon enough, the first person drops out which encourages others to start dropping out too. The ones left are the ‘athletic’, ‘fit’, ‘sporty’ students.

Not so simple:

What I find dangerous is that the beep test supposedly tests ‘fitness’. So of course, those who don’t score highly believe a few things:

“I’m not good at running”

“I’m not fit”

“I’m not as fit as others”

But what it actually tests is CARDIO - a mix of long distance running and sprinting. Some people absolutely despise running, others thrive in it. We’re all different. Some prefer strength, others plyo, others even more specific like core or glutes. It seems absurd that I, and other students would think “I’m so unfit, I only got a 6”.

Another thing. Being graded on a beep test scale is BEYOND absurd. Our fitness is SUBJECTIVE and personalised to us. Me reaching a 6 is like reaching a 13 - but according to the table my result is ‘fair’.

Also, when we’re all lumped together, it’s hard to see past the fact we’re all at different fitness journeys. It’s hard not to think “wow they’re up to 9, I’m so unfit”.

Scrap it.

Instead of all that grading, why don’t we focus on whether the student likes what they’re doing?

Do they have a good relationship with sport?

How can we nurture that instead of slapping a label on them?

How can we challenge them further if they love sport?

Unless if they need those grades for entering a sports academy, I say scrap it.